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Backyard Rainbow Birthday Brunch

Backyard Rainbow Birthday Brunch

I love my birthday! Growing up, my mom always made them so special, unique and one-of-a kind celebrations. So, the tradition continues. Now, I host my own birthday parties and I love to plan occasions that are a treat for my friends and a celebration of how much they...
How to Fight Hospitality Fatigue

How to Fight Hospitality Fatigue

Hospitality fatigue is a real thing! My mom often mentions how crazy I am with the amount of people we serve in our home (or outside the home) and I shrug it off thinking “I couldn’t love it more.” But recently, I’ve felt physically and mentally exhausted which means...
The First Steps to Making New Friends

The First Steps to Making New Friends

So you are new to town or you just started college or maybe you’ve just decided it is time to step out of your comfort zone and meet your neighbors. At different seasons in our lives, we will have to repeat the steps of making new friends. I wish the process got...
How Does Gathering for Cake Transform Your Community?

How Does Gathering for Cake Transform Your Community?

We have been celebrating Cake Day for quite some time in the Hurley Homestead and we can begin to see the fruit of consistently meeting together with our community. First, if you are unaware of Cake Day, it is a gathering that happens on the first of each month where...
Five Ways to Create a Rooted Marriage

Five Ways to Create a Rooted Marriage

Tim and I are approaching our third year of marriage and we certainly don’t claim to “know-it-all” but we would love to share with you some things that have significantly impacted our relationship and how we communicate life in our home. Preemptively Set Expectations...
The Best Book List for Your Faith-Based Book Club

The Best Book List for Your Faith-Based Book Club

Calling all book worms! It’s one thing to spend time with our friends, it’s another thing to engage with your friends’ minds, ideas and faiths. If you want to take your friendships to a new level (or just have an excuse to get together once a week), consider grabbing...
New Year FRIENDSHIP Resolutions

New Year FRIENDSHIP Resolutions

Nothing ever happens by chance and community is no exception. It’s a new year and there are new opportunities to be intentional with your community. Want to see your friendships flourish this year? Want to finally step out of your comfort zone and get vulnerable...
Y is for Your Turn

Y is for Your Turn

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 At the end of every service at our church, the pastor...
N is for Need

N is for Need

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 I sit down to meet my friend for coffee- a typical Saturday morning catch up and  one of my favorite activities. We laugh, we get serious and we share a little bit of our...
M is for Mature

M is for Mature

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus...